- Java library which helps to encrypt sensitive information without much configuration.
- Property file is encrypted using Jasypt in Spring Boot.
- Jasypt stands for Java simplified encryption Library.
- Add in properties jasypt.encrypted.password=mypasswordkey.
- We must always encrypt sensitive information in our configuration files.
- Add Maven/Gradle dependency and plug-in of Jasypt in Spring Boot application.
- In our main class or configuration class add annotation @EnableEncryptableProperties
- In our terminal/command prompt from our project folder, when the following command
- Maven Jasypt plug-in must be added in pom.xml, to run the following commands.
- To encrypt
- mvn jasypt:encrypt-value -Djasypt.encryptor.password=springimplant -Djasypt.plugin.value=Password
- In the above command password is our data source password/information to encrypt. And key to encrypt password is “springimplant”.
- The above command will generate an encrypted Key.
- To decrypt
- mvn jasypt:decrypt-value -Djasypt.encryptor.password=springimplant -Djasypt.plugin.value=nObqvmVPYhxVaykMl09QVtGCQWjpd7al1RJhOsyz1eLkb6J2USMu9Fb//e4a6Vro
- The above command is to check if our encrypted Key is correct or not it provides back our original information.
- We need to pass our key to the application while running. We can add it in our configuration file or pass it as a JVM parameter.
- Remember maven command is used to build/generate the key. The JVM which executes jar is where we need to pass the key.
- We can further customise our Jasypt encryption parameters as follows
- Using 'jasyptStringEncryptor' bean.
- Further, we can configure following properties or their default values will be used as follows.
- jasypt.encryptor.algorithm, using default value: PBEWITHHMACSHA512ANDAES_256
- jasypt.encryptor.key-obtention-iterations, default value: 1000
- jasypt.encryptor.pool-size, default value: 1
- jasypt.encryptor.provider-name, default value: null
- jasypt.encryptor.provider-class-name, default value: null
- jasypt.encryptor.salt-generator-classname, default value: org.jasypt.salt.RandomSaltGeneral
- jasypt.encryptor.iv-generator-classname, default value: org. jasypt.iv. RandomIvGenerator
- jasypt.encryptor.string-output-type, default value: base64
- Directly encrypt the value in our configuration file
- In application.properties/application.yml file or any configuration file add DEC(key to encrypt).
- Spring.datasource.password = DEC(password)
- Run the maven encryption command with just the password parameter
- To update in YML file give the file path in the command as follows
- -Djasypt.plugin.path=“file:src/main/resources/application.yml”
- Using our own custom encryption logic
- Create a new configuration class as follows
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Password encryption using Jasypt
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